

 Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31st

Although not actually a Halloween celebration, Fiesta de Tosantos is an original festival celebrated on October 31st in Cádiz.

Also known as Fiesta de los Mercados, this event full of humor and satire consists of various concerts and street performances held throughout the city. The highlight, however, is the decoration of the market stalls. Vendors use their merchandise (fruits, vegetables, meat, or fish) to create elaborate displays that depict scenes and characters from the latest financial, political, or social scandals.

In our school we will celebrate Halloween by singing typical Halloween songs, jokes as well as reading a bit more about the story of halloween.
Here you can download some useful printables:
  •  Knock Knock Trick or Treat Song

Also, you can visit our blog "Nosotras y ellos"  to see other interesting information.

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